Book Reviews 1. Review of Richard Kraut ed., The Cambridge Companion to Plato (1992), in International Philosophical Quarterly 34 (1994) 507-509. 2. Review of Gilles Emery, La Trinité créatrice: Trinité et création dans les commentaires aux Sentences de Thomas d'Aquin et de ses précurseurs Albert le Grand et Bonaventure (1995), in The Thomist 60 (1996) 493-497. <> 3. Review of Carlo Leget, Living with God: Thomas Aquinas on the Relation between Life on Earth and 'Life' after Death (1997), in The Thomist 63 (1999) 485-490.Books EditorMedieval Masters: Essays in Memory of Msgr. E.A. Synan. Thomistic Papers VII. Houston: Center for Thomistic Studies; South Bend: University of Notre Dame, 1999. Pp. Xiii; 287.Author/Translator The Cardinal Virtues: Aquinas, Albert, Philip the Chancellor. Translation, with introduction, notes, and appendices of the following texts: Philip, Summa de bono, selections on the nature of the cardinal virtues. Albert, De bono from the Summa parisiensis, selection on the nature of the cardinal virtues. Albert, Commentarium in libris Sententiarum, dd. 33 and 36. Aquinas, Quaestio disputata de virtutibus cardinalibus. This book is in press. Current Projects Co-Author/Translatorwith Timothy Noone: Bonaventure: Philosophical Themes from the Sentences: God and Creation. translation, with introduction and notes, of texts from Bonaventure's Commentary on the Sentences Books 1 and 2. Texts translated are from: Bk 1: d. 3, 8, 22, 35, 38, 43, 45; Bk. 2: d. 1, 3, 12, 13. This volume has been solicited by the Franciscan Institute Press for The Bonaventure Texts in Translation Series.Author The Friar and the Vizier: Metaphysics across two Medieval Cultures. A study of the metaphysics of Avicenna (the vizier) and Aquinas (the friar). Approximately half written.Editor A book length study of Aquinas's Roman Commentary on the Sentences. This volume will be based on the critical edition of the Latin text by John. Boyle and Leonard Boyle op^. The book will consist in a distinction by distinction commentary, by different authors. This volume is being done in close consultation with the editors of the Latin text. The Director of Publications, Center for Thomistic Studies, agreed in principle in 1998 to publish this book. Philosophical Papers "Finding a Philosophical Manuscript to Edit". Sources and Archives series, Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Toronto, 10 April 1980."Spoiling the Egyptians: Avicenna's Contribution to Scholastic Attitudes toward Reason and Faith". WNY Regional Conference of the ACPA, 24 April 1982, and Southeastern Medievalists Association, Dallas, TX, 15 October 1982. Response to the paper of F. Russell Hittinger, national ACPA meeting, NY, NY, 10 April 1983. "Thomas Aquinas and the Avicennian Programme for Proving God Exists". Society for the Study of Islamic Philosophy and Science, national meeting of the ACPA, Milwaukee, 12 April 1985. "Avicennian Metaphysics: a neo-Platonic Journey". APA Central, St. Louis, 2 May 1986. "Aristotle and the Fourth Century Dispute over Rhetoric". Philosophy Colloquium, Center for Thomistic Studies, Houston, 25 Sep 1986. "Avicenna, Aquinas, and the Five Ways". St. John's College, Santa Fe, NM, 12 Dec 1986. "Avicenna, Aquinas, and the Enterprise of Proving God Exists". Philosophy Colloquium, Thomistic Center, 1 Oct 1987. "A Disquieting Text of Aquinas". Philosophy Colloquium, Thomistic Center, 7 Apr 1988. "Philosophy--What is in a Word?" Philosophy Colloquium, Thomistic Center, 6 Oct 1988. "Greek Philosophy and the Metaphor of the Sun". Philosophy Colloquium, Thomistic Center, 13 Apr 1989. "Avicenna: Proof for God's Existence in the Shifa". Philosophy Colloquium, Thomistic Center, 16 Nov 1989. "Philosophical Development through Metaphor: Light among the Greeks". ACPA, 30 Mar 1990. "Is Thomas's Theology Avicennian?" International Medieval Conference, Kalamazoo, 12 May 1990. "The De virtutibus cardinalibus and Aquinas' Doctrine of Happiness". IX Congressus Thomisticus Internationalis, Rome, 26 Sep 1990. "Aristotle on the Subject of Metaphysics: E.1". Philosophy Colloquium, Thomistic Center, 4 Apr 1991. "Bricks and Buildings", comment on the paper of Stephen Menn, Rice Philosophy Colloquium, 26 Apr 1991. "Bonaventure and the Quo maius Formula". Philosophy Colloquium, Thomistic Center, 5 Dec 1991. "Hermeneutics and the Doctrine of Recollection in the Argument of the Phaedo". Philosophy Colloquium, Thomistic Center, 2 Apr 1992. "Aquinas: The Threefold Way to the Cardinal Virtues". International Medieval Congress, Kalamazoo, 7 May 1992. "The Cardinal Virtues: Aquinas and the Fathers". IXe Congres international de Philosophie Medievale (SIEPM), Ottawa, 18 Aug 1992, and Philosophy Colloquium, Thomistic Center, 17 Sep 1992. "Before and After the Philosophi", comment on papers of L. Simmons and S. Baldner, ACPA, 26 Mar 1993. "Aquinas on whether God is per se notum", Philosophy Colloquium, Thomistic Center, 29 Apr 1993. "Boethius on per se and God's Existence", Philosophy Colloquium, Thomistic Center, 7 Oct 1993. "Aquinas: Praeambula ad articulos fidei, Philosophy Colloquium, Thomistic Center, 21 Apr 1994, and International Medieval Congress, Kalamazoo, 6 May 1994. "Trans-forming Philosophical Water into Theological Wine: Gilson and Aquinas" Philosophy Colloquium, Thomistic Center, 15 Sep 1994, ACPA 24 Mar 1995. "Let them Suffer into Truth: An Avicennian Remedy for Philosophical Heterodoxy", Annual Conference, Medieval Centre, University of Toronto, 18 Feb. 1995, Philosophy Colloquium, Thomistic Center, 9 Feb 1995. "Boethius and Two 12th Century Boethians: Interpreting the Proposition 'God Exists'", conference on Representation and Interpretation in the 12th Century, Canisius College, Buffalo, NY 21 Apr 1995. "Establishing the Real Distinction between Essence and Existence: Avicenna and Aquinas", Medieval Congress, Kalamazoo, 4 May 1995. "Some Contemporary Interpretations of the Existence Argument in Aquinas", Thomistic Center, 28 Sep 1995. "Avicenna on Knowing the Principles of Metaphysics," International Medieval Congress, Kalamazoo, MI 9 May 1996. "Reading De ente 2-4," Thomistic Center, 6 Feb 1997. " Bonaventure on the Existence of God," Colloquium, Thomistic Center, Nov. 1997. "Bonaventure's Threefold Way to God," National meeting, American Catholic Philosophical Association, 28 Mar 1998. "Aquinas and Courage," Thomistic Center Colloquium, 30 Apr 98. "The Genesis of Aquinas's Argument for the Cardinal Virtues," Thomistic Center Colloquium, 29 Oct 98. "Knowing the Existence of God in Aquinas's Roman Commentary," International Medieval Congress, Kalamazoo, MI, 8 May 1999. "Matthew of Aquasparta," Thomistic Center Colloquium, Spring 2000. "Avicenna and the Metaphysics of Aquinas," University of Notre Dame Thomistic Institute, 17 July 2000. "Aquinas's History of Philosophy," Thomistic Center Colloquium, 6 March 2001. "Of Alzheimer's, Angels, and Homeric Shades in the House of the Dead: A Comment on Prof. Carl Still's 'Do we know all after death: Thomas Aquinas on the disembodied soul's knowledge," ACPA National Meeting, 9 Nov. 2001. "The Law above the Law: Consolation or Guide?", Houston Bar Association, Continuing Legal Education, South Texas College of Law, Houston, TX, 26 March 2002. Also to be delivered at the Center for Thomistic Studies Colloquium Series, Spring 2002. "Stoic Themes in Aquinas's Doctrine of the Cardinal Virtues." International Medieval Congress, Western Michigan University, 5 May 2002 |
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