Questions to Guide Your Reading

Gerald Vann, “What Think Ye of Christ?” Awake in Heaven

1. According to Gerald Vann, “We know that one cannot hope to demonstrate the divinity of Christ as one demonstrates a mathematical theorem.”  What must we do instead?  Explain.  What sort of response does this sort of revelation call forth from us?

2. As Fr. Vannn points out, there have been people over the years who have claimed that Jesus began as a humble servant of God but was led astray in the end, ambition feeding on the adulation of the disciples and the crowd, till he thought he was the equal of God.  What is Fr. Vann’s response to this view?

3. Fr. Vann points out that there are two apparently contradictory elements in Jesus’ personality.  What are these two seemingly contradictory elements, and what according to Vann is the clue that unites them?