Questions to Guide Your Reading

Fr. Roch Kereszty, Jesus Christ: Fundamentals of Christology , ch. II: "The Death and Resurrection of Jesus"

1. What two basic facts, according to Fr. Roch, are the "rock bottom" foundation for a theological history of Jesus?

2. According to Fr. Roch, there was not a "doctrine" at the very center of this rapidly expanding world-wide community of believers who called themselves "Christians"?  What was there?

3. To what text does Fr. Roch turn in order to analyze St. Paul's understanding of the Resurrection?  Where have we seen this text before in this course?  What conclusions does Fr. Roch draw from his analysis of this biblical text?

4. How, according to Fr. Roch, do the Resurrection appearances narrated in the Gospels "confirm, complement, or differ" from the understanding of the Resurrection in the thought of St. Paul?

5. How, according to Thomas Aquinas, are we to understand the appearances of the Resurrected Christ?