Prof Randall Smith     

Questions to Guide Your Reading

Steven Covey, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

1. According to Covey, what is that human ability which sets us apart from all other animals?

2. What is Covey's view toward any sort of determinism?

3. What lesson does Covey draw from the story of the Jewish psychiatrist Viktor Frankl?

4. What is "proactivity"?

5. What does it mean to "begin with the end in mind"?

6. What does Covey mean when he says that "all things are created twice"?

7. What does he mean when he talks about the difference between "design" and "default"?

8. According to Covey, what is the difference between "leadership" and "management"?

9. What are the first three habits of "highly effective people," according to Steven J. Covey?
10. What is the difference for Covey between "the clock" and "the compass"?

11. What are "true north principles"?

12. What is "the law of the farm"?

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