Providence and Secondary Causes
CCC 306-08 Providence and Secondary Causes Questions

Humanist Manifesto 2000, “Scientific Naturalism”

C. S. Lewis, "The Self-Contradiction of the Naturalist"

C. S. Lewis, "Miracles," from God in the Dock

Philip Johnson, "The Unraveling of Scientific Materialism"
Stephen Barr, "Untangling Evolution"

Outline:  Divine and Natural Causality:  Not Mutually Exclusive
Outline:  Naturalism as Self-Defeating

Fundamental Questions: Do I believe that the world is (or can be) an instrument of God’s love?  Do I believe human beings are (or can be) instruments of God's love?  Do I see myself as potentially an instrument of God's love?  Do I believe human institutions and the human body should be seen as instruments of God's love?