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Randall B. Smith, Ph.D.
Professor of Theology
Department of Theology
University of St. Thomas, Houston

Randall Smith is a Full Professor with tenure at the University of St. Thomas. He earned his B.A. in Chemistry at Cornell College where he studied the history and philosophy of science, earned an M.A. in Theology at the University of Dallas, and an M.M.S. and a Ph.D. at the University of Notre Dame.  His interests include Moral Theology, Patristic and Medieval Theology, Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, Faith and Culture, Theology and Science. He also teaches each year in the University's interdisciplinary Honors Program.

Scholarly Publications
Teaching Evaluations
Popular Publications (in English)




Bonaventure's Journey of the Soul into God: Background and Commentary (Cambridge University Press, 2024).

From Here to Eternity: Reflections on Death, Immortality, and the Resurrection of the Body (Emmaus Press, 2022).

           Endorsements and Reviews of From Here to Eternity

Aquinas, Bonaventure, and the Scholastic Culture of Medieval Paris: Preaching, Prologues, and Biblical Commentary (Cambridge University Press, 2021).

            Endorsements and Reviews of Aquinas, Bonaventure, and the Scholastic Culture of Paris

Why Believe? Answers to Life’s Questions, vol. 2 (Denver, CO: Augustine Institute, 2018): I authored 8 of the 15 chapters in this book on moral theology.  See chapters 2 through 9, pp. 18 through 134.


Reading the Sermons of Thomas Aquinas: A Beginner's Guide (Emmaus Press, 2016), 376 pp., including analytical outlines of each of Thomas’s extant sermons.

          Endorsements and Reviews of Reading the Sermons of Thomas Aquinas

In Foreign Languages:

Întruchipări ale înţelepciunii creştine, trans. Petru Dimitriu (Galaxia Gutenberg, 2021): four articles translated into Romanian.

In Progress:

Mapping Bonaventure's Journey of the Mind into God
(under contract and review with Emmaus Academic)

Moralia Thomistica
: Recovering Thomas Aquinas's Theology of Natural Right, Natural Justice, and Natural Law

Christ and the Moral Life: An Introduction to Moral Theology by Asking the Fundamental Questions (in revision)

Divine Order and Human Justice in Homer: A Study of Themis and Dikē in the Homeric Epics (in process)

Articles in Print:

"In the Grip of a Picture: The Persistent Myth of the Newtonian 'Clockwork' Universe," Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Quarterly, vol. 45, no. 1 (April 2024), 85-115.

"Bonaventure's Reductio of the Nine Choirs of Angels: How Bonaventure Compressed Two Monumental Traditions into Nine Words and Nine Short Phrases," Nova et Vetera, vol. 21, no. 2 (2023): 583-606/

"Bonaventure's Inception Address as Regent Master at Paris: Omnium Artifex," translation and introduction; Franciscan Studies, vol. 80 (2022): 211-242.

''From Here to Eternity: Reflections on Death and the Afterlife in the Light of the Resurrection of the Resurrection of Christ," forward in Hope and Death: Christian Responses (Emmaus Press, 2022), ix-xx.

Invited review of J. Budziszewski, Commentary on Thomas Aquinas’s “Treatise on Divine Law,” in New Blackfriars, vol. 103, no. 1107 (September 2022): 697-700.

Invited review of Matthew Levering, The Abuse of Conscience: A Century of Moral Theology, in Catholic Social Science Review, vol. 27 (2022): 153-156.

"Natural Right, Natural Justice, and Natural Law in Aquinas," Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Quarterly, vol. 44, no. 1 (Spring 2021): 63-104.

Dividing in Order to Unite: Thomas’s Resumptio Address at Paris, Hic est Liber, and the Thirteenth Century Divisiones Textus of the Books of the Bible,” in Thomas Aquinas, Biblical Theologian (Emmaus Academic, 2021).

"Augustine and the Trials of Fallen Friendship," Church Life Journal, September 4, 2020.

"What Augustine Did Not Find in the Books of the Platonists," Logos 23:4 (Fall 2020): 70-102.

"Thomas Aquinas and Irenaeus on the Divine and Natural Law," in Biblica et Patristrica Thoruniensia 13 (2020): 175-187.


"Initiating Young Friars into a Culture of Preaching: Thomas Aquinas and the Connections between Thirteenth Century Preaching and Biblical Commentary," in Initiation and Mystagogy in Thomas Aquinas, ed. H. Schoot et al. (Leuven: Peeters, 2019), 323-349.

"Finding the Roots of Bonaventure’s Literary Style in Medieval Preaching," Nova et Vetera, Fall 2019 (Vol. 17, No. 4).

"Clarifying the Virtues and Limits of Nationalism," Church Life Journal, September 27, 2019.

Thomas Aquinas’s Principium at Paris,” in Towards a Biblical Thomism: Thomas Aquinas and the Renewal of Biblical Theology, ed. P. Roszak and J. Vijgen (Navarre, Spain: Eunsa, 2018), 39-60.


How Faith Perfects Prudence: Thomas Aquinas on the Wisdom of the Old Law and the Gift of Counsel,” in The Virtuous Life: Thomas Aquinas on the Theological Nature of Moral Virtues (Leuven: Peeters, 2017), 143-162.


What Lessons Do Thomas Aquinas’s Sermons Hold for Modern Preachers?Homiletic and Pastoral Review (June, 2017).


The Structure and Protreptic Function of Thomas's Prologue to the Gospel of John,” Nova et Vetera, vol. 15, no. 4 (Fall 2017): 1101-1149.


“Giving Thanks for a Bountiful Harvest: Two New Books on the Natural Law,” The Chesterton Review, vol. 41, nos. 3 & 4 (Fall/Winter 2015), 541-548.


Natural Law and Grace: How Charity Perfects the Natural Law,” in Faith, Hope, and Love: Thomas Aquinas on Living by the Theological Virtues, ed. H. Goris, et al. (Leuven: Peeters, 2015), 233-257.


Hope and History,” in Redeeming Philosophy: From Metaphysics to Aesthetics, ed. John Conley, S.J. (Washington, D.C.: Catholic University Press, 2014), 173-199.


If Philosophy Begins in Wonder: Aquinas, Creation, and Wonder,” Communio 41 (Spring 2014): 92-111.


Thomas Aquinas on the Ten Commandments and the Natural Law,” in The Decalogue and its Cultural Influence, ed. Dominik Markl, S.J. (Sheffield, UK: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2013).


Thirteenth, Greatest of Centuries?Sacred Architecture 22 (2012): 21-24.


How to Read a Sermon by Thomas Aquinas,” Nova et Vetera, vol. 10, no. 3 (Summer 2012): 775-804.


What the Old Law reveals about the Natural Law According to Thomas Aquinas,” The Thomist, vol. 75, no. 1 (January 2011): 95-139.


On Penance, Absolution, and the Forgiveness of Sins,” Homiletic and Pastoral Review (November, 2011).


The Hebrew Bible and Creation,” in Green Discipleship: Catholic Theological Ethics & the Environment, edited by Tobias Winright (Anselm Academic Press, 2011).


Thomas Aquinas,” encyclopedia article in Encyclopedia of Christian Literature, ed. G. T. Kurian (The Scarecrow Press, 2010).


“Don’t Blame Vatican II: Modernism and Modern Church Architecture,” in Sacred Architecture (Fall 2007).


Book review of: Russell Hittinger, The First Grace: Rediscovering the Natural Law in a Post-Christian World, in Crisis (October 2003).


“Thomas Aquinas's Semiosis of the Old Law in Terms of the Natural Law,” in Semiotics 2002, ed. Scott Simpkins and John Deely (Ottawa, Canada: Legas, 2003), pp 185-201.


“The Semiotic Function of the Epigraph in Aquinas' Biblical Prologues and Sermons: A Mixing of Memory and Desire,” in Semiotics 2001, ed. Scott Simpkins and John Deely (Ottawa, Canada: Legas, 2002), pp.420-438.


Articles Forthcoming:


"Lumen Ecclesiae: Pope Saint Paul VI on Thomas Aquinas, Light of the Church and Light of the World," for the volume Thomas Aquinas: Still the Common Doctor? (forthcoming from The Catholic University of America Press).

“Christian Temperance and Mimetic Desire,” forthcoming in Temperance, ed. R. E. Houser (The Catholic University of America Press).

Understanding the Context of the 'Natural Inclinations' and the Natural Law: Thomas Aquinas’s Use of Cicero’s De Officiis in Summa Theologiae Ia-IIae, Q. 94, art. 2 (forthcoming in The Thomist)

"Thomas Aquinas: Magister Praedicatorum," accepted for publication in a volume with the Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum)

"The Purpose of the Prologue, in The Handbook for Biblical Thomism, ed. Jorgen Vijgen and Matthew Levering

"Francis and Bonaventure," The Handbook on Catholic Education & Culture

"What is the Meaning of Ius, the Object of Justice, in Aquinas?" 800th Anniversary Commemorative Volume, Thomas Aquinas, (University of Notre Dame Press).



Ph.D. (August, 1998), Medieval Studies and Philosophy, University of Notre Dame

                  Dissertation: How the Old Law Showed Forth the Precepts of the Natural Law: A Commentary on Certain Questions Concerning the Law in the Summa of Theology of Thomas Aquinas

   Director: Ralph McInerny, Grace Professor of Medieval Philosophy, University of Notre Dame

   Readers: Alasdair MacIntyre, David Solomon, Alfred Freddoso


M.M.S. (May, 1991), Medieval Institute, University of Notre Dame


M.A., (May, 1987), Department of Theology, University of Dallas

                  Thesis: The Gospel of John and Neo-Platonic Metaphysics in Augustine’s Literal Commentary on Genesis: A Study in Patristic Scriptural Hermeneutics


B.A., (May, 1981), Cornell College.  Major: Chemistry




Professor of Theology, University of St. Thomas, 2001-present (tenure awarded 2005)


Undergraduate Courses taught:

    * Christian Ethics and the Law

    * Faith and Moral Development

    * Modern Challenges to Christianity

    * Teachings of the Catholic Church

    * Honors Seminar: From Empire to Christendom

    * Social Justice and the Church


Graduate Courses taught:

    * Law and Grace in Aquinas (for the Center for Thomistic Studies)

    * Community and the Human Person (for the Masters of Liberal Arts Program)

    * Natural Law and Prudence (for the Center for Thomistic Studies)

    * Edith Stein Award for Academic Research (Fall 2019)


Visiting Assistant Professor of Theology, University of Notre Dame, 1998-2001


      Courses taught:

         * Foundations of Theology

         * Who is Jesus?

High School Teacher, Immaculate Conception Apostolic School, Center Harbor, NH, 1987-89


Courses taught: Chemistry, World History, U.S. History, Geography, English Literature and Composition, Intermediate Latin.



Latin (classical and medieval), French, German, Classical Greek




Research Assistant, Ambrosiana Library (Milan), University of Notre Dame, 1991-92


(Founding) Assistant Managing Editor, Medieval Philosophy and Theology, 1989-90


Assistant Editor, Society of Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy Newsletter, 1989-90

Consulting Editor, Sacred Architecture Journal, 2023-



Moral Theology (esp. Natural Law and Virtue Ethics), History of Christian Thought, (esp. Patristic and Medieval), and History Philosophy (esp. Ancient and Medieval), Christianity and Culture, Theology and Science


Civitas Institute Fellow, University of Texas at Austin, 2023-2024

University of St. Thomas Edith Stein Excellence in Research Award, August 2019

Myser Fellow, Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture, 2010-2011

POPULAR PUBLICATIONS (both on-line and in print):

"Our (Incoherent) Post-Modern Condition," The Catholic Thing, 21 January 2025

"Moral Blind Spots," The Catholic Thing, 7 January 2025

"A House of Prayer? The Basilica of Sagrada Familia," Sacred Architecture Journal, vol. 46 (2024): 38-41.

"When is Christ Coming Back?" The Catholic Thing, 23 December 2024

"Civics Education and the Constitutional Order," Ford Forum, 12 December 2024

"A Lack of Prudence, a Crisis in Leadership," The Catholic Thing, 10 December 2024

"No Country for Old Men," The Catholic Thing, 26 November 2024

"A Catholic Renaissance," The Catholic Thing, 12 November 2024

"Leave the Synod, Take the Cannoli," The Catholic Thing, 30 October 2024

"Let’s Really Follow the Science," The Catholic Thing, 15 October 2024

"Liturgy: Active or Contemplative?" The Catholic Thing, 1 October 2024

"What Conservatives, Catholics, and All Americans Can Learn from Israel," Public Discourse, 29 September 2024

"Are American Catholics ‘Politically Homeless’?" The Catholic Thing, 18 September 2024

"Voting for the Millstone," The Catholic Thing, 3 September 2024

"Whose Oppressive Discourse?" The Catholic Thing, 20 August 2024

"Seeds of Hope in Slovakia," The Catholic Thing, 7 August 2024

"Forgive Us As We Have Forgiven Others," The Catholic Thing, 23 July 2024

"Eucharist, the Heart of Catholic Education," Our Catholic Mission (Summer 2024)

"Of Saints – and Their ‘Companions,’" The Catholic Thing, 10 July 2024

"Aim Even Higher," The Catholic Thing, 25 June 2024

"Love and Maintenance," The Catholic Thing, 10 June 2024

"Junkspace: The Empty Slogans of Our Politicized Linguistic Regime," The New Oxford Review (May 2024)

"Stuck in a Box of Suicidal Madness," The Catholic Thing, 29 May 2024

"Eucharistic Faith and the Design of Churches," Sacred Architecture Journal, vol. 45 (Spring 2024): 24-27.

"What an Effective Civics Education Must Do," National Review, 28 May 2024

"Student Demonstrations: Power, Not Freedom of Speech," The Catholic Thing, 14 May 2024

"Bishops, Borders, and the (Bully) Pulpit," Catholic World Report, 2 May 2024

"Piety and Virtue," The Catholic Thing, 30 April 2024

"Needed: More Good Science," The Catholic Thing, 16 April 2024

"Truly, This Man Was the Son Of God," The Catholic Thing, 2 April 2024

"Of Doing Business and Philanthropy," The Catholic Thing, 19 March 2024

"The Eucharist and Catholic Education," The Catholic Thing, 5 March 2024

"Books in Theology," The Catholic Thing, 20 February 2024

"Why Theology?" The Catholic Thing, 6 February 2024

"Eucharistic Faith and the Survey," The Catholic Thing, 23 January 2024

"The Best and Brightest?" The Catholic Thing, 9 January 2024

"Why Can’t Every Day Be Like Christmas?" The Catholic Thing, 26 December 2023

"He is Coming," The Catholic Thing, 12 December 2023

"Faith, Certainty, and Doubt," The Catholic Thing, 28 November 2023

"Updating Hypocrisy," The Catholic Thing, 15 November 2023

The Trinity & the Moral Life: Habits Made of Iron,” The New Oxford Review (November 2023)

"Mindfulness Is Not Prayer," The Catholic Thing, 31 October 2023

"Apostolic Authority and Civic Prudence," The Catholic Thing, 17 October 2023

"Holiness and Prudence," The Catholic Thing, 7 October 2023

"Beauty is Necessary for Prayer," Sacred Architecture Journal, 44 (2023):40-43.

"Ideology’s Blind Spots," The Catholic Thing, 19 September 2023

"The Logic of Belief," The Catholic Thing, 5 September 2023

"On Formal and Material Cooperation with Evil," The Catholic Thing, 22 August 2023

"God Bless America in Slovakia," The Catholic Thing, 8 August 2023

"Preaching 101," The Catholic Thing, 1 August 2023

"Inside Man," The Catholic Thing, 27 June 2023

"Will There Be Sex in Heaven?: The Seven-Husbands Question Revisited," The New Oxford Review, June 2023

"Not Ready for Prime Time," The Catholic Thing, 13 June 2023

"Synodality without Spirit," The Catholic Thing, 30 May 2023

"Service or Status?" The Catholic Thing, 16 May 2023

"Chatting without Communicating," The Catholic Thing, 2 May 2023

"Whose Diapers? Whence Rationality?" The Catholic Thing, 18 April 2023

"Proofs for the Existence of God," The Catholic Thing, 4 April 2023

"Catering to the Obsessions of the Bourgeois Elite," The Catholic Thing, 21 March 2023

"Is Anyone Listening?" The Catholic Thing, 7 March 2023

"Progressivism and Power," The Catholic Thing, 21 February 2023

"A Means of Disowning the Past," The Catholic Thing, 7 February 2023

"Asking God for Things," The Catholic Thing, 24 January 2023

"Non-Establishment of the Church," The Catholic Thing, 9 January 2023

"The Gifts of the Holy Spirit," The Catholic Thing, 27 December 2022

"Take Not the Name of the Church in Vain," The Catholic Thing, 13 December 2022

"Thanksgiving for a Great-Souled Man," The Catholic Thing, 29 November 2022

"Synodality? How about Better Preaching?" The Catholic Thing, 15 November 2022

"From Here to Eternity," The Catholic Thing, 1 November 2022

"Medieval ‘Reductio’ vs. Modern Reductivism," 18 October 2022

"A Eucharistic Faith," The Catholic Thing, 3 October 2022

"Something All Catholic Colleges and Universities Agree On," The Catholic Thing, 30 September 2022

"A Different Kind of Classroom Diversity," The Catholic Thing, 6 September 2022

"When a Virtue-Signaling Archbishop is More Politician than Pastor," Catholic World Report, 29 August 2022

"Rejecting a Culture of Lies," The Catholic Thing, 24 August 2022

"Persons vs. Human Beings," The Catholic Thing, 9 August 2022

"Looking Out at the Heavens," The Catholic Thing, 26 July 2022

"Look in the Mirror," The Catholic Thing, 12 July 2022

"The Chicago Way vs. the Catholic Way," The Catholic Thing, 28 June 2022

"The Perversities of Polling," The Catholic Thing, 15 June 2022

"Blessed Are Those Who Mourn," The Catholic Thing, 31 May 2022

"Abortion and the Genocide of the Black Community," The Catholic Thing, 17 May 2022

"Educated for – What?" The Catholic Thing, 3 May 2022

"The Absurd Magnificence of It All," The Catholic Thing, 18 April 2022

"The Works of God Made Visible," The Catholic Thing, 5 April 2022

"Ukraine’s Challenge – to Us," The Catholic Thing, 23 March 2022

"Ukraine for the Long Haul," The Catholic Thing, 8 March 2022

"The Liturgy Wars," The Catholic Thing, 23 February 2022

"What Happened After Vatican II?" The Catholic Thing, 9 February 2022

"It Has No Place Here," The Catholic Thing, 25 January 2022

"Conscience as Freedom from Truth?" The Catholic Thing, 11 January 2022

"An Incarnational World," The Catholic Thing, 27 December 2021

"Deconstructionist, Deconstruct Thyself," Public Discourse, 22 December 2021

"Deconstructing the Deconstructors," The Catholic Thing, 14 December 2021

"Pornography and the Castration of Young Men," The Catholic Thing, 30 November 2021

"Pledging Allegiance to the New McCarthyism," The Catholic Thing, 16 November 2021

"Why No Science?" The Catholic Thing, 2 November 2021

"Cry Havoc! Threats to Right-to-Life Groups," The Catholic Thing, 18 October 2021

"When Are We Human?" The Catholic Thing, 5 October 2021

"Put Them (Churches) Back the Way They Were," The Catholic Thing, 21 September 2021

"Your Life Is Not Just About You," The Catholic Thing, 8 September 2021

"The Rule of Law, Not of Bishops," Catholic World Report, 24 August 2021

"Plow that Field," The Catholic Thing, 24 August 2021

"Abraham’s Sacrifice," The Catholic Thing, 11 August 2021

"In Memoriam: Thomas Gordon Smith (1948-2021)—A Life Spent Serving Beauty," Catholic World Report, 5 August 2021

"Those Disastrous Trade-Offs," The Catholic Thing, 28 July 2021

"Mission, Character, and Institutions," The Catholic Thing, 14 July 2021

"From My Mother’s Womb, You Are My Strength," The Catholic Thing, 4 July 2021

"The Antidote to Social Despair," The Catholic Thing, 16 June 2021

"The Catholic Way of Memorials," The Catholic Thing, 2 June 2021

"Popes, Bishops, Slavery – and Us," The Catholic Thing, 15 May 2021

"The Green Grocer’s Sign," The Catholic Thing, 28 April 2021

"Things My Wife Wishes They Had Covered in RCIA," Catholic World Report, 24 April 2021

"Resurrection of the Dead," The Catholic Thing, 7 April 2021

"Recommendation Day," The Catholic Thing, 25 March 2021

"Whited Sepulchers," The Catholic Thing, 10 March 2021

"Lent in the Desert," The Catholic Thing, 24 February 2021

"On Litmus Tests and the Common Good," The Catholic Thing, 11 February 2021

"Beware Your Enemies, Lest You Become Like Them," The Catholic Thing, 28 January 2021

"The Day After," The Catholic Thing, 13 January 2021

"Twelve Days of Christmas for a Family Man on a Budget," The Catholic Thing, 30 December 2020

"Rights Talk vs. Dialogue," The Catholic Thing, 16 December 2020

"Money and the Idea of a University," The Catholic Thing, 3 December 2020

"What Kind of Relationship with God?" Catholic World Report, 28 November 2020

"What Kind of Relationship? On the “One”, the “Many”, and Things in the World," Catholic World Report, 23 November 2020

"Is Riot Turnabout Fair Play?" The Catholic Thing, 18 November 2020

"On What Foundation is the University Built," The Catholic Thing, 9 November 2020

"On the Nature of Complicity," The Catholic Thing, 21 October 2020

"Amy Barrett: What's Really at Stake," The Catholic Thing, 8 October 2020

"The Social Dilemma," The Catholic Thing, 23 September 2020

"Lifestyle Liberalism Takes Money – Lots of It," The Catholic Thing, 9 September 2020

"From Our House to “God’s House,” Catholic World Report, 7 September 2020

"Ed Tech and the Transformation of American Education," The Catholic Thing, 26 August 2020

"What Is God Doing Now?" The Catholic Thing, 12 August 2020 

"The Artificial Jesuit," The Catholic Thing, 29 July 2020

"Cancel Culture is Coward Culture," The Catholic Thing 15 July 2020

"Whose Nation? Which Nationalism?" Public Discourse, 7 July 2020

"Liberal Arts and the Pandemic," Catholic World Report, 6 July 2020.

A Republic, If You Can Keep It,” The Catholic Thing, 1 July 2020

"Life in a Post-Totalitarian System," The Catholic Thing, 17 June 2020

"My Ultimate Purgatory Fear," The Catholic Thing, 4 June 2020

"Wrestling with a Moral Dilemma," Catholic World Report, 1 June 2020

"Will Everything Be Different Now?" The Catholic Thing, 20 May 2020

"Distance Education: It’s a Long Way From Real Education," Catholic World Report, 12 May 2020.

"Metaphysics and Theology," The Catholic Thing, 7 May 2020

"Mass Online," The Catholic Thing, 23 April 2020

"Overwhelmed by Quarantine Possibilities," Catholic World Report, 20 April 2020

"Our Titanic Moment and the Puncturing of Illusions," Catholic World Report, 15 April 2020

"The Relevance of the Resurrection," Catholic World Report, 12 April 2020

"Good Friday, Death, and Christian Life," Catholic World Report, 10 April 2020

"It’s Part of the Deal, Isn’t It?" The Catholic Thing, 8 April 2020

“'The Thin Polish of Easy Morality' and Our Present Crisis," Catholic World Report, 26 March 2020

"Change the Model, Change the Virtue," The Catholic Thing, 25 March 2020

"Christian Hope and Covid-19," Catholic World Report, 14 March 2020

"Dreams of Dueling Synods," Catholic World Report, 10 March 2020

"When Did the Church’s Moral Teaching Cease Being Relevant to You?" The Catholic Thing, 8 March 2020

"How Not to Learn About a Religion," The Catholic Thing, 19 February 2020

"Words Meaning Nothing: On the Empty Epidemic of 'Management Speak,'" 8 February 2020

"The Widow’s Mite," The Catholic Thing, 6 February 2020

"A New Paradigm for a Liberal Arts Education?" The Catholic Thing, 22 January 2020

"College When?" The Catholic Thing, 11 January 2020

"Papolatry and Progressive Privilege," Catholic World Report, 19 December 2020

"Politicizing the Eucharist?" The Catholic Thing, 18 December 2019

"God and the Mystery of a Screwed Up World," Catholic World Report, 11 December 2019

"No Heart for Newman's University," The Catholic Thing, 4 December 2019

"Which God's Will?" Catholic World Report, 15 November 2019

"Why Not the Best?" The Catholic Thing, 12 November 2019

"Respecting Authority," The Catholic Thing, 31 October 2019

"Old Folks’ Folk Mass," The Catholic Thing, 16 October 2019

"A Time for Catholic Hospitals?" The Catholic Thing, 2 October 2019

"Maritain the Martian," The Catholic Thing, 18 September 2019

"Let a Hundred Flowers Bloom?" The Catholic Thing, 5 September 2019

"Are Colleges and Universities Guilty of Usury?" The Catholic Thing, 21 August 2019

"Can I Believe?" The Catholic Thing, 7 August 2019

"Coming Out as Catholic," The Catholic Thing, 24 July 2019

"Freedom of Speech, Under a Cloud," The Catholic Thing, 10 July 2019

"How long before the courts address the construct called 'age'?" Catholic World Report, 8 July 2019

"Music for the Dying," The Catholic Thing, 29 June 2019

"In the Field Hospital," The Catholic Thing, 12 June 2019

"They Do Death Well Here," The Catholic Thing, 30 May 2019

"The Beauty of a Mother at Mass," The Catholic Thing, 15 May 2019

"But for Yale?" Catholic World Report, 30 April 2019

"Now the Battle for Notre Dame Begins," Catholic World Report, 25 April 2019

"Appropriating Catholic Social Justice for Partisan Purposes," The Catholic Thing, 24 April 219

"When Was The Last Supper?" Catholic World Report, 18 April 2019

"Guarding Auschwitz," The Catholic Thing, 10 April 2019

"The Opiate of the Masses," The Catholic Thing, 27 March 2019

"Portraits of Clericalism," The Catholic Thing, 11 March 2019

"A Mother Raising Boys Speaks Out," The Catholic Thing, 27 February 2019

"Toxic Femininity," The Catholic Thing, 13 February 2019

"Neither the Seamless Garment, Nor Merely Anti-Abortion," The Catholic Thing, 30 January 2019

"Unsafe Safe Spaces," The Catholic Thing, 16 January 2019

"A Foolish, Blessed Inconsistency," The Catholic Thing, 2 January 2019

"History Ain't What It Used To Be," The Catholic Thing, 18 December 2018

"The Laws of Love," The Catholic Thing, 5 December 2018

"Progress or Repeated Failure," The Catholic Thing, 25 November 2018

"After Morality," The Catholic Thing, 7 November 2018

"We Did Our Job," The Catholic Thing, 24 October 2018

"Where Else Shall We Go?" The Catholic Thing, 30 September 2018

The Worthiness of Work,” The Catholic Thing, 15 September 2018

There is a God; I am not Him,” The Catholic Thing, 1 September 2018

My Slow News Week,” The Catholic Thing, 19 August 2018

Celebrity Lectures,” The Catholic Thing, 1 August 2018

The Value of Mistakes,” The Catholic Thing, 21 July 2018

Teaching Prudence — and Not Teaching It,” The Catholic Thing, 7 July 2018

Crazy in the Right Way,” The Catholic Thing, 20 June 2018

The Three Forms of Justice,” The Catholic Thing, 6 June 2018

Cultural Appropriation,” The Catholic Thing, 26 May 2018

Reconsidering’ Humanae Vitae,” The Catholic Thing, 13 May 2018

Conforming to Good or Evil: More Moral Lessons in the Shadow of the Holocaust,” Public Discourse, 1 May 2018

Moral Education in the Shadow of the Holocaust,” Public Discourse, 30 April 2018

Etiquette and the Common Good,” The Catholic Thing, 25 April 2018

The Relevance of the Resurrection,” Catholic World Report, 21

Casting Aspersions,” The Catholic Thing, 12 April 2018

Good Friday, Death, and Christian Life,” Catholic World Report, 30 March 2018

A Neutral Account of Easter?The Catholic Thing, 28 March 2018

The New McCarthyism: Religion, Marriage, and Judicial Nominations,” Public Discourse, 20 March 2018

A Chilling Effect on Freedom of Speech,” The Catholic Thing, 14 March 2018

Meaning and Truth,” The Catholic Thing, 15 February 2018

Partisan Politics Preventing Pastoral Practice,” The Catholic Thing, 31 January 2018

Im-Personal Human Beings?The Catholic Thing, 17 January 2018

The Desert Flowers: The Gospel and Isaiah,” The Catholic Thing, 20 December 2017

The Iron Cage of Educational Bureaucracy,” The Catholic Thing, 22 November 2017

Tales from the Crypt of Catholic Education,” The Catholic Thing, 8 November 2017

Hiring for Mission . . . or Not,” The Catholic Thing, 25 October 2017

Someone (Else) Please Help the Poor,” The Catholic Thing, 10 October 2017

The Two Gears of Student Moral Discourse,” The Catholic Thing, 27 September 2017

God was Present, and So Were Rescuers,” The Catholic Thing, 14 September 2017

College: What Are You Paying For?The Catholic Thing, 30 August 2017

St. Augustine’s Wisdom: Adam, Eve, Christ, and the Church,” Catholic World Report, 28 August 2017

St. Perpetua’s Non-Silence,” The Catholic Thing, 16 August 2017

Divorced from Religious Life?Catholic World Report, 10 August 2017

Past Lives and Reincarnation,” The Catholic Thing, 2 August 2017

When Christ is not the Center,” The Catholic Thing, 19 July 2017

Liberal Progressivism’s Presumption,” The Catholic Thing, 5 July 2017

“Preaching and the Four Senses of Scripture,” The Catholic Thing, 21 June 2017

Examination of Conscience,” The Catholic Thing, 7 June 2017

Know Thyself,” The Catholic Thing, 24 May 2017

Pictures of Two Women,” The Catholic Thing, 14 May 2017

Church Disasters and Resurrections,” The Catholic Thing, 8 May 2017

’Under Caesar’s Sword’ documents persecuted Christian communities,” Catholic World Report, 1 May 2017

Let His Blood Be Upon Us,” The Catholic Thing, 24 April 2017

The ‘Fuller Sense’ of Scripture,” The Catholic Thing, 12 April 2017

Catholic Education Matters,” The Catholic Thing, 29 March 2017

Is Christianity Good for Women?The Catholic Thing, 15 March 2017

Ideology and the Corruption of Language,” Public Discourse, 3 March 2017

The Man Who Shared the Cross,” The Catholic Thing, 1 March 2017

The Gnostic God,” The Catholic Thing, 15 February 2017

Facebook: Facts or Fury?Catholic World Report, 12 February 2017

The Immortality Project’s Brave New World,” The Catholic Thing, 1 February 2017

Patient Patriotism,” Public Discourse, 20 January 2107

Architectural Signs of Hope,” The Catholic Thing, 19 January 2017

Philemon and the New Man in Christ,” The Catholic Thing, 7 January 2017

The Saturnalia and St. John Chrysostom: A New Year’s Message,” Catholic World Report, 31 December 2016

Behold Your King Comes,” The Catholic Thing, 21 December 2016

The Vagina Monologues Are Silenced,” The Catholic Thing, 7 December 2016

Miguel Pro, the guy with the gun, and the King of History,” Catholic World Report, 23 November 2016

Debtors and Trespassers,” The Catholic Thing, 23 November 2016

Where is Professor Anthony Esolen’s ‘safe space’?Catholic World Report, 17 November 2016

Another multinational corporation forces its ideology on everyone else,” Catholic World Report, 3 November 2016

I’m Sorry, I Can’t Speak That Way,” The Catholic Thing, 26 October 2016

The Answer is Always People,” The Catholic Thing, 19 October 2016

Crazy clericalism at Houston’s University of St. Thomas,Catholic World Report, 18 October 2016

Faith is not an electric blanket, it’s a Cross,” Catholic World Report, 10 October 2016

Contraception: How Far Back Does the Church Teaching Go?The Catholic Thing, 26 September 2016

The Magnet of Mediocrity,” The Catholic Thing, 17 September 2016

Teaching Catholic Character?The Catholic Thing, 31 August 2016

"The Thing People on Television Never Do," The Catholic Thing, 17 August 2016.

"Beginning St. Thomas Aquinas," The Catholic Thing, 6 August 2016.

"The Face of the Triune God," The Catholic Thing, 20 July 2016.

"Alice in Wonderland," The Catholic Thing, 8 July 2016.

"Come Study What Jesus Didn't Do (Even if the Bible Says He Did)," The Catholic Thing, 18 June 2016.

"Neutered by Neutrality: The Abiding Influence of John Rawls, Part Two, Public Discourse, 14 June 2016.

"Defeated by Default: The Abiding Influence of John Rawls, Part One," Public Discourse, 13 June 2016.

"A Traditional Catholic Wife?" The Catholic Thing, 1 June 2016.

"Is the 'New Evangelization' No More Than a Marketing Slogan?" The New Oxford Review, May 2016.

"Humankind Cannot Bear Very Much Reality," The Catholic Thing, 15 May 2016.

"The Meaninglessness of our Political Discourse: A Lesson from George Orwell," Public Discourse, 9 May 2016.

"How to Listen at Mass," The Catholic Thing, 30 April 2016.

"The Difficult Way of Mercy," Catholic World Report, 19 April 2016.

"Setting the Prisoner Free," The Catholic Thing, 6 April 2016.

"Good Friday, Death, and Christian Life," Catholic World Report, 25 March 2016.

"Ad Hominem Violence," The Catholic Thing, 23 March 2016.

"Bill Cosby for the Laetare Medal?" Catholic World Report, 15 March 2016.

"Penance, Absolution, and Forgiveness of Sins," The Catholic Thing, 9 March 2016.

"The Benedictine Option," Catholic World Report, 6 March 2016.

"Why a Church?" The Catholic Thing, 24 February 2016.

"Papal Errors," The Catholic Thing, 12 February 2016.

"You Don't Have to Like a Pope," The Catholic Thing, 28 January 2016.

"Two Faces in the Crowd," The Catholic Thing, 6 January 2016.

"Mary, Mother of Us All in the New Year, Catholic World Report, 4 January 2016.

"Hope in a Time of Darkness and Despair," The Catholic Thing, 23 December 2015.

"Pope Francis’s Holistic Understanding of the Environment," Catholic World Report, 8 December 2015.

"The Habit of Thanksgiving," The Catholic Thing, 2 December 2015.


"Reverence and Respect," The Catholic Thing, 19 November 2015.

"Uncivil Discourse, Part Two: A Call for Intellectual Humility," Public Discourse, 13 November 2015.

"Uncivil Discourse: Modern Media's Ideological Junkspace," Public Discourse, 12 November 2015.

"In Search of Better Homilies," The Catholic Thing, 4 November 2015.

"Rethinking Birthdays," The Catholic Thing, 23 October 2015.

"Religion, Violence, and Ignorant Bigotry," The Catholic Thing, 8 October 2015.

"Walker Percy and the Atticus Finch Question," Catholic World Report, 4 October 2015.

"The Forgotten Spouse," The Dispatch, 1 October 2015.

"Seminarians: Training to be Doctors of the Soul?" The Catholic Thing, 25 September 2015.

"Love Thy Spouse," The Catholic Thing, 9 September 2015.

"Conscience Clash and Double Standards in Kentucky," Catholic World Report, 7 September 2015.

"The Social Injustice Done to Adjunct Faculty: A Call to Arms," Public Discourse, 1 September 2015.

"The International Catholic University Solution," The Catholic Thing, 26 August 2015.

"The Habit of Seeing God Face to Face," The Catholic Thing, 12 August 2015.

"Martyrdom Then and Now," The Catholic Thing, 29 July 2015.

"The Little Stories We Tell Ourselves," The Catholic Thing, 15 July 2015.

"Faith: Spiritual Light that Enlightens the Mind," The Catholic Thing, 1 July 2015.

"Flesh and Spirit," The Catholic Thing, 13 June 2015.

"Are Catholics Afraid to Question?" The Catholic Thing, 30 May 2015.

"Catholicism vs. Materialism," The Catholic Thing, 13 May 2015.

"A 'War' Between Science and Religion?" The Catholic Thing, 29 April 2015.

"The Latest Attack on San Francisco's Archbishop," Crisis, 21 April 2015.

"The Active and Contemplative Life," The Catholic Thing, 9 April 2015.

"The Perils of Political Propaganda: Mass Hysteria over Indiana," Public Discourse, 2 April 2015.

"Are 'Facts' the Only Kind of Truth?" The Catholic Thing, 25 March 2015.

"Morality, Facts, and Opinions," The Catholic Thing, 12 March 2015.

"Mission Fit in Catholic High Schools," The Catholic Thing, 24 February 2015.

"St. Augustine's Wisdom: Adam, Eve, Christ, and the Church," Catholic World Report, 18 February 2015.

"Love as a Virtue," The Catholic Thing, 11 February 2015.

"The Coming Perfect Storm: Five Reasons Why Freedom of Religion and Conscience is in Peril," Touchstone (January/February 2015), 38-43.

"Love as Passion --- and Virtue," The Catholic Thing, 21 January 2015.

"Bureaucratic Bloat in Higher Education: Getting Rid of the Middlemen," Public Discourse, 15 January 2015.

"Of Scandal and Catholic Schools," The Catholic Thing, 3 January 2015.

"Is the Second Coming Still Coming?" The Catholic Thing, 7 December 2014.

"Journalism Today: Telenovela or Truth?" Aleteia, 6 December 2104.

"The Limits of a Secular Age," The Catholic Thing, 19 November 2014.

"Why a Bishops' Accreditation Process Could Be the Best Thing for Catholic Higher Education," Aleteia, 12 November 2014.

"Conscience and Reality," The Catholic Thing, 5 November 2014.

"Can an Atheist Make a Really Great Film about Faith?" Aleteia, 4 November 2014.

"Reading the Signs of the Times Rightly, Aleteia, 25 October 2014.

"Conscience and Truth," The Catholic Thing, 18 October 2014.

"The Challenge of the Church's Social Magisterium," The Catholic Thing, 4 October 2014.

"The Reality of the Church’s Social Magisterium," The Catholic Thing, 14 September 2014.

"A Modest Proposal for Dying Religious Communities," The Catholic Thing, 28 August 2014.

"A Right to Complain, an Obligation to Help," The Catholic Thing, 14 August 2014.

"The Heavens Declare the Glory of God," The Catholic Thing, 30 July 2014.

"A Pastoral and Dogmatic Council," The Catholic Thing, 19 July 2014.

"When Catholic Colleges Abandon Theology Requirements," Crisis 15 July 2014.

"A Higher Power," The Catholic Thing, 2 July 2014.

"A Tale of Two Trials: Karamazov and Zimmerman," Public Discourse, 26 June 2014.

"Dostoyevsky the Prophet: The Trial of Dmitri Karamazov and the Redefinition of Family," Public Discourse, 24 June 2014.

"Suffering Servant, the Circuit Breaker, The Catholic Thing, 18 June 2014.

"Why St. Thomas Becket was Martyred," Crisis, 5 June 2014.

"Ignoring a Pope While Pretending to Listen," The Catholic Thing, 29 May 2014.

"The “Sensus Fidelium” and Popular Piety," The Catholic Thing, 15 May 2014.

"The Proper Sense of the ‘Sensus Fidelium'," The Catholic Thing, 1 May 2014.

"Logic: What’s Missing from Public Discourse," Crisis, 30 April 2014.

"Why I Don’t Write About the Vatican," The Catholic Thing, 16 April 2014.

"The Cistercians Are Back at Zirc," The Catholic Thing, 6 April 2014.

"Why We Need More Canon Lawyers," Crisis, 1 April 2014.

"The Late Great Fr. David Balas, O. Cist.," The Catholic Thing, 27 February 2014.

"Working with Better Principals," The Catholic Thing, 13 February 2014.

"A Confusing Conundrum in Our Culture," The Catholic Thing, 30 January 2014.

"Kissing and Communicating," The Catholic Thing, 16 January 2014.

"Gender and a Sacramental View of the Body," The Catholic Thing, 4 January 2014.

"Cartesian Gender Confusions (Cont.)," The Catholic Thing, 19 December 2013.

"Confusions sur le genre, d’inspiration cartésienne,"
France Catholique, 7 December 2013.

"Cartesian-Inspired Gender Confusions," The Catholic Thing, 5 December 2013.

"Le pape François : l’homme et le message," France Catholique, 25 November 2013.

"Perpetually Passed Over by Polling," The Catholic Thing, 21 November 2013.

"Francis: The Man and the Message," The Catholic Thing, 6 November 2013.

"Que souhaiteriez-vous ętre ?" France Catholique, 18 October 2013.

"Who Do You Want to Be?" The Catholic Thing, 17 October 2013.

"La nourriture raisonnée (Contraceptive Eating)," France Catholique,7 October 2013.

"La sexualité du robot (suite) : le principe de nuisance,"
France Catholique, 6 October 2013.

"Christ and the Moral Life," The Catholic Thing, 6 October 2013.

"Jesus Christ Superstar Now," Crisis, 25 September 2013.

"Contraception : le sexe vu comme une maladie,"
France Catholique, 25 September 2013.

"Contraception: Sex as a Disease," The Catholic Thing, 19 September 2013.

"La place de la nourriture et de la sexualité dans l’épanouissement humain," France Catholique, 7 September 2013.

"Food and Sex for Human Flourishing," The Catholic Thing, 5 September 2013.

"Contraceptive Eating," The Catholic Thing, 23 August 2013.

"Suicide's Tormented Souls," Crisis, 15 August 2013.

"Théologie morale et épanouissement humain,"
France Catholique, 13 August 2013.

"Moral Theology and Human Flourishing," The Catholic Thing, 8 August 2013.

"Pas de mal, des devoirs et autres imbroglios moraux,"
France Catholique, 24 July 2013.

"No Harm, Ought, and Other Moral Muddles," The Catholic Thing, 24 July 2013.

"After Architectural Modernism" Crisis, 11 July 2013.

"The Harm Principle," The Catholic Thing, 11 July 2013.

"Le désir sexuel, le langage, un combat inégal," France Catholique, 25 June 2013.

"Lust, Language, and the Un-level Playing Field," The Catholic Thing, 20 June 2013.

"De la sexualité des robots," France Catholique, 22 June 2013.

"Robot Sex," The Catholic Thing, 6 June 2013.

"Luxuria, la vie facile,"
France Catholique, 27 May 2013.

"Luxuria," The Catholic Thing, 25 May 2013.

"The Mystery of Esolen: Who are They?" The Catholic Thing, 9 May 2013.

"Tribunal Troubles," The Catholic Thing, 25 April 2013.

"Les hommes sont comme le Christ, le Chef de l’Eglise,"
France Catholique, 13 April 2013.

"Men Like Christ, Head of the Church," The Catholic Thing, 11 April 2013.

"The Reform We Need," Crisis, 3 April 2013.

"Vieillir et se retirer,"
France Catholique, 24 February 2013.

"Aging and Office," The Catholic Thing, 24 February 2013.

"Maȋtrise des armes, maȋtrise de la Cour," France Catholique, 7 February 2013.

"Gun Control, Court Control," The Catholic Thing, 31 January 2013.

"Reading in the New Year," The Catholic Thing, 7 January 2013.

"Joseph, pčre modčle," France Catholique, 28 December 2012.

"Joseph, Model Father," The Catholic Thing, 27 December 2012.

"Ce qui importe désormais," France Catholique, 10 December 2012.

"What Matters Now," The Catholic Thing, 9 December 2012.

"A propos du départ d’un voisin trčs aimé," France Catholique, 19 November 2012.

On the Passing of a Beloved Neighbor,” The Catholic Thing, 14 November 2012.


The Pro-Life USCCB Voter’s Guide,” The Catholic Thing, 25 October 2012.


"Former une conscience catholique," France Catholique, 12 October 2012.

Forming a Catholic Conscience,” The Catholic Thing, 11 October 2012.


“Une histoire en guise d’avertissement (Les débats entre Lincoln et Douglas en 1858),” France Catholique, 23 September 2012.


A Cautionary Tale,” The Catholic Thing, 21 September 2012.

"Sainteté : commencez par payer votre loyer," France Catholique, 9 September 2012.

Holiness Means Paying Your Rent,” The Catholic Thing, 8 September 2012.


"Cartographie de nos désirs désordonnés," France Catholique, 30 October 2012.

Mapping Our Disordered Desires,” The Catholic Thing, 25 August 2012.


“Se libérer du Catholicisme?” France Catholique, 12 August 2012.


Freedom from Catholicism,” The Catholic Thing, 11 August 2012.


“Le catholique anti-catholique,” France Catholique, 16 July 2012.


The Anti-Catholic Catholic,” The Catholic Thing, 14 July 2012.


Dewey or Don’t We: Why Our Kids Are Messed Up” (part 2), Crisis 4 July 2012.


Dewey or Don’t We: Why Our Kids Are Messed Up” (part 1), Crisis 3 July 2012.


“Certains sont plus ‘autres’ que d’autres,” France Catholique, 24 June 2012.


Some Are More ‘Other’ Than Others,” The Catholic Thing, 24 June 2012.


Courtship, Etiquette, and the Adolescent Male,” Crisis, 1 June 2012.


“A propos du mariage: Salut, partenaire!” France Catholique, 21 May 2012.


Howdy Partner,” The Catholic Thing, 19 May 2012.


“Agitation ŕ propos des jérémiades Jenky,” France Catholique, 6 May 2012.


Jittery About Jenky’s Jeremiad,” The Catholic Thing, 5 May 2012.


Raising the Bar: Christianity and Liberal Arts in the University,” Crisis, 19 April 2012.


“L’amour désire connaître le bien-aimé,” France Catholique, 15 April 2012.


Love Desires to Know the Beloved,” The Catholic Thing, 15 April 2012.


Curiosities About Counting,” Crisis, 4 April 2012.


"Fraqueza que nos fortalece," Actualidade Religiosa, 28 March 2012.


“La faiblesse qui nous rend forts,” France Catholique, 21 March 2012.


Weakness that Makes us Strong,” The Catholic Thing, 21 March 2012.


“On ne coopčre pas avec le mal,” France Catholique, 5 March 2012.


No Cooperation with Evil,” The Catholic Thing, 4 March 2012.


“La foi : une qualité pour l’intellect,” France Catholique, 19 February 2012.


Faith: A Virtue of the Intellect,” The Catholic Thing, 18 February 2012.


Beware the ObamaCare Win-Win,” The American Thinker, 17 February 2012.


Health Care Overreach: Federalism and Federal Mandates,” The American Thinker, 14 February 2012.


Faith Isn’t a Checklist,” The Catholic Thing, 2 February 2012.

"Fé enquanto compromisso," Actualidade Religiosa, 1 February 2012.

Faith as Commitment,” The Catholic Thing, 22 January 2012.


“La Foi : un engagement,” France Catholique, 23 January 2012.


“Hasard tragique - sacrifice par amour,” France Catholique, 1 January 2012.


Random Tragedy to Loving Sacrifice,” The Catholic Thing, 31 December 2011.


“Une vierge concevra,” France Catholique, 13 December 2011.


The Virgin Shall Conceive,” The Catholic Thing, 11 December 2011.


“Impossible pour un homme seul,” France Catholique, 26 November 2011.


For Man It is Impossible,” The Catholic Thing, 26 November 2011.


“Chce to viac šírky sv. Ignáca,”, 15 November 2011.


“Une vue ŕ long terme - Mystique de l’unité,” France Catholique, 10 November 2011.


Taking the Long View,” The Catholic Thing, 9 November 2011.


“Peuple souverain?” France Catholique, 26 October 2011.


Power to the People?The Catholic Thing, 26 October 2011.


The Austrian Priests’ Initiative,” The Catholic Thing, 13 October 2011.


Kiljoy is Here,Notre Dame Magazine (Autumn 2011).


Dialogue Without Compromise, Without Fear,” The New Oxford Review, vol. 78, no. 7 (September 2011): 30-33.


"RCIA Dismay," The Catholic Thing, 20 September 2011.

The Magnificent Cat,The Catholic Thing, 3 September 2011.


Thinking in Church and With the Church,” The Catholic Thing, 20 August 2011


“Svätý Augustín o sláve a páde Ríma,”, 17 August 2011.


Can We Stop Telling God What to Do?The Catholic Thing, 11 August 2011


Vertus pour la cité,” France Catholique, 30 July 2011.


The Virtues of the City,The Catholic Thing, 30 July 2011.

"Employment and Social Justice," Public Discourse, 15 July 2011.


Getting Rid of the Body,” The Catholic Thing, 13 July 2011.


American/Catholic/Patriot,” The Catholic Thing, 2 July 2011.


A Shameful Glory,” The Catholic Thing, 18 June 2011.


Our Numbered Days: Certain Death & the Last Lectures of Socrates & Jesus,” Touchstone, March-April 2011, Volume 24, Issue 2.

Quick, Call the Police!  It’s an Academic Lecture,” The New Oxford Review, January-February 2011, volume 78, no. 1.


Waiting for God? On the Meaning of “Providentially, Just in Time,” Touchstone, January-February 2011, Volume 24, Issue 1.


Revelations Public and Private,” The Catholic Thing, 28 January 2011.


How to Ride an Elevator,Notre Dame Magazine (Winter, 2010-11).


The Missing Foundation of Social Justice,” The Catholic Thing, 23 December 2010.


Studying With Ralph McInerny,” The Catholic Thing, 22 September 2010.


Say It Again: What Is There To Talk About In Heaven?Touchstone, Sept.-Oct. 2010, Volume 23, Issue 5.


Fides et Ratio:  The Aeterni Patris of this Generation?The Catholic Thing, 19 August 2010.


Reading the Church Fathers and Doctors,” The Catholic Thing, 13 June 2010.


Books and the Hungry Soul,” The Front Porch Republic, 8 June 2010.


But I by Backward Steps Would Move,” The Front Porch Republic, 26 February 2010)

NB:  I have not always kept an accurate record of these.  The translations listed below are only for the years shown.  Other earlier translations can be found in the list above.

French (2017-2018)

“La valeur des erreurs,” France Catholique, 16 September 2018

“‘Réviser’ Humanae Vitae,” France Catholique, 13 August 2018

“Signification et vérité,” France Catholique, 1 August 2018

“Enseigner la prudence – et ne pas l’enseigner,” France Catholique, 9 July 2018

“Fous d’une juste folie,” France Catholique, 21 June 2018

“Les Trois formes de justice,” France Catholique, 16 June 2018

“Appropriation culturelle,” France Catholique, 26 May 2018

“Savoir-vivre et ‘sens des autres,’” France Catholique, 8 May 2018

“Les fleurs du désert : l’Evangile et Isaďe,” France Catholique, 15 April 2018

“Un effet glacial sur la liberté d’expression,” France Catholique, 15 April 2018

“Un compte-rendu neutre de Pâques?” France Catholique, 29 March 2018

“Cage de fer bureaucratique dans l’enseignement,” France Catholique, 22 January 2018

“Contes de la crypte de l’éducation catholique,” France Catholique, 13 November 2017

Italian (2018)

“Prudenti: quindi matti, ma nel senso giusto,” La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana, 10 July 2018

“Impossibile rimanere ‘neutri’ di fronte alla Risurrezione,” La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana, 6 April 2018

Spanish (2016-2018)

“Etiqueta y el Bien Común,” Infovaticana, 4 May, 2018

“Fundando aspersions,” Infovaticana, 16 April, 2018

“Conócete a ti mismo,” Infovaticana, 5 March, 2018

“La respuesta siempre son las personas,” Infovaticana, 24 October, 2016

“żEnseńar la conducta Católica?” Infovaticana, 5 September, 2016

“Esperanza en un tiempo de oscuridad y desesperación,” Infovaticana, 28 December, 2015

Portuguese (2015-2018)

“As Tręs Formas de Justiça,” Actualidade Religiosa, 6 June 2018

“Partidarismos que Prejudicam a Prática Pastoral,”Actualidade Religiosa, 7 February 2018

“Empurrando problemas com a barriga...,” Actualidade Religiosa, 10 January 2018

“Deus Estava lá, os Socorristas Também,” Actualidade Religiosa, 20 September 2017

“O Năo-Silęncio de Santa Perpétua,” Actualidade Religiosa, 23 August 2017

 “Que o seu sangue caia sobre nós!” Actualidade Religiosa, 26 April 2017

“A Importância da Educaçăo Católica,” Actualidade Religiosa, 29 March 2017

“O Homem que Partilhou a Cruz,” Actualidade Religiosa, 1 March 2017

“Sinais de Esperança na Arquitectura,” Actualidade Religiosa, 26 January 2017

“Filémon e o Novo Homem em Cristo,” Actualidade Religiosa, 11 January 2017

“Os Monólogos da Vagina Silenciados,”Actualidade Religiosa, 7 December 2016

“Quăo Antigo é o Ensinamento da Igreja sobre Contracepçăo?” Actualidade Religiosa, 29 September 2016

“Năo é Preciso Gostar do Papa,” Actualidade Religiosa, 3 February 2016

“Duas Caras na Multidăo,” Actualidade Religiosa, 20 January 2016

“Religiăo, Violęncia e Preconceito Ignorante,” Actualidade Religiosa, 14 October 2015

“Amai os Vossos Esposos,” Actualidade Religiosa, 16 September 2015

“O Martírio, Ontem e Hoje,” Actualidade Religiosa, 12 August 2015

“Fé: Luz Espiritual que Ilumina a Mente,” Actualidade Religiosa, 15 July 2015

Slovak (2011-2018)

“Môj týždeň pre pomalé správy,” Konzervatívny denník Postoj, 25 August 2018

“Na univerzity patria vedci so zaujímavými myšlienkami, nie celebrity,” Konzervatívny denník Postoj, 4 August 2018

“Ceňme si svoje chyby, môžu nás spraviť rozumnejšími,” Konzervatívny denník Postoj, 21 July 2018

“Rozumnosť v škole nezískame, ale môžeme sa naučiť zručnosti, ktoré k nej vedú,” Konzervatívny denník Posto,14 July 2018

“Opätovné premyslenie encykliky Humanae vitae,” Konzervatívny denník Posto, 30 June 2018

“Blázniví, ale takým správnym spôsobom,” Konzervatívny denník Posto, 22 June 2018

“Tri formy spravodlivosti,” Konzervatívny denník Posto, 9 June 2018

“Neničme si verejné priestory,” Konzervatívny denník Posto, 28 April 2018

“Poznaj seba samého,” Konzervatívny denník Posto, 3 March 2018

“Zmysel a pravda,” Konzervatívny denník Posto, 17 February 2018

“Ľudia sa nám budú v budúcnosti veľmi čudovať,” Konzervatívny denník Posto, 20 January 2018

“Železnú klietku vzdelávacej byrokracie treba rozbiť,” Konzervatívny denník Posto, 25 November 2017

“Plnší zmysel Písma,” Konzervatívny denník Posto, 15 April 2017

“Hľa, tvoj kráľ prichádza,” Konzervatívny denník Posto, 24 December 2016

“Všetko je to o ľuďoch,” Konzervatívny denník Posto, 29 October 2016

“Keď si nevážime sväté, ťažko si môžeme vážiť ľudské,” Konzervatívny denník Posto, 21 November 2015

“Mučeníctvo prvých kresťanov a dnešná politická neprispôsobivosť,” Konzervatívny denník Posto, 2 August 2015

“Je láska iba dôsledkom pohybu atómov v našom mozgu?” Konzervatívny denník Posto, 24 May 2015

“„Vojna“ medzi vedou a náboženstvom?” Konzervatívny denník Posto, 8 May 2015

“Má druhý príchod naozaj prísť?” Konzervatívny denník Posto, 12 December 2014

“Má Cirkev čo povedať k ekonomickej etike?” Konzervatívny denník Posto, 26 September 2014

“Mňa anketári večne obchádzajú,” Konzervatívny denník Posto, 28 November 2013

“Keď stratíme Krista, staneme sa len ďalšou politickou skupinou,” Konzervatívny denník Posto, 18 October 2013

“Jozef, vzorový otec,” Konzervatívny denník Posto, 3 January 2013

“Monty Python a okúzlenie inakosťou,” Konzervatívny denník Posto, 2 July 2012

“Veľa kriku pre homíliu biskupa Jenkyho,” Konzervatívny denník Posto, 17 May 2012

“Viera nie je len zoznam právd,” Konzervatívny denník Posto, 9 February 2012

“Chce to viac šírky sv. Ignáca,” Konzervatívny denník Posto, 15 November 2011

“Viera nie je o tanci v rytme Kumbaya,” Konzervatívny denník Posto, 28 August 2011

“Svätý Augustín o sláve a páde Ríma,” Konzervatívny denník Posto, 17 August 2011

“Chýbajúci základ sociálnej spravodlivosti,” Konzervatívny denník Posto, 2 January 2011