Questions to Guide Your Reading

Fr. Roch Kereszty, O. Cist., "Sin as a Threefold Alienation"

1. In what way, according to Fr. Roch, does sin bring about a threefold alienation?  Describe each
of the ways in which it alienates us and why.

2. What are some of the contaminating influences of sin, (a) in terms of its effects on us, and (b) in terms of its effect on our relationships with others?

3. What are the three general points Fr. Roch makes about the punishment of sin.

4. How are we punished for our sins with respect to our relationship with God?

5. How are we punished for our sins with respect to our relationship with others?

6. How are we punished for our sins with respect to its effect on us?

7. How are sin and death related?

8. How might we live our lives so that death would not be seen as such a punishment; so that, indeed, we might even look upon it as a gift?  Talk about this in respect to our relationship with our own bodies, with respect to our relationships with others, and finally, our relationship with God.